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How It Works

With Graul's School Lunches you can order a healthy and tasty lunch for your child from your home or office. From there, Graul's will deliver the meal directly to your child's school. It's just that easy! No hassles. No worries.

It is our objective to provide students and staff fresh, nutritious, and natural foods. Graul's is very selective about the food and drink products we provide. In addition, we are dedicated to serving balanced meals at affordable prices.

Each full school day Graul's School Lunches will offer six lunch entrees, hot & cold lunch choices are available. We include a vegetarian and gluten free (GF) options each day. If your child is older or a bigger eater you will have the option for a larger portion size next year.

The following paragraphs offer some tips on how to use our website: click on one of the following subjects to take you directly there:

Creating Your User Account

Creating a user account on our website is very similar to any e-commerce website. It requires your name (the parent), address and email account. When you check out it will ask for your credit card information (which is not saved on our website); the address you enter when you create the account should equal the billing address for your credit card. The address is not required but if you do not enter it with your account you will be required to enter it each time your check out.

Simply go to the home page of our website and click on "Create a New Account".

A new account form will appear. After you have submitted your user information you will be asked to log in. Log in using your new username and password and you will be taken to your member page (AKA "My Homepage). From here you will add Member accounts for each family member that will participate in our lunch program.

From your homepage you can also add money to your account and then make your purchases from the account. The credit card encryption company charges $.50 each time you make a separate charge, so if you purchase your lunches one at a time they will be $.50 more expensive. If instead you put $50 or $100 on account (one .$50 charge) then you can buy your lunches one at a time from your Graul's account without that extra charge.

Adding Money to Your Account

From your homepage simply click on "Add money to my account", a credit card form will appear allowing you to securely enter your credit card information and select the amount of money you would like to put on your Graul's School Lunches account. This feature is especially nice if you have older children who would like to order for themselves, you can put money on the account and they can shop without needing the credit card information in order to check out.

Creating Member Accounts (for ordering)

From your homepage you will create a Member account for each family member who will participate in the school lunch program. Use the Add Student and Add Staff buttons to add each member. If you do not know the name of your child's teacher, simply enter your last name, you can modify it later (or we can do it for you).

Placing an Order

To place an order push the Place Order button next to the member name. The school calendar for that member will appear. You may order one lunch at a time, or lunches for the next two months. Once you have selected the entrees for each day you may Checkout or order for another member by clicking on the tab with their name

Cancelling an Order

Cancelling an order is as easy as placing an order, however you must cancel the order by 4:00 AM the Friday the week before the order is to be delivered. Simply go back to the calendar by pushing the Cancel Order button next to the student name. The days you currently have food ordered for will show the menu item you selected and there will be a Cancel Order button within that day. Click on the Cancel Order button followed by OK and the money for that order will be credited to your Graul's School Lunches account for use on future orders. If your child is sick, please email or call our stores the day before or by 7:30 that morning. You will also receive an Order Cancelled confirmation email.

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